Module funsies.config

Configuration dictionaries for jobs.

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"""Configuration dictionaries for jobs."""
# std
from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass
import json
import os
from typing import Any, Mapping, Optional, Type

# Constants
ONE_DAY = 86400

def _get_funsies_url(url: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
    """Get the default funsies URL."""
    if url is not None:
        return url
            default = os.environ["FUNSIES_URL"]
        except KeyError:
            default = "redis://localhost:6379"
        return default

def _extract_hostname(url: str) -> str:
    """Get the hostname part of the url."""
    if "@" in url:
        hn = url.split("@")[-1]
        hn = url.split("//")[-1]
    return hn

class Options:
    """Runtime options for an Operation.

    This is a class that basically contains all the random options that may
    need to be set when building a workflow, such as timeouts, heterogeneous
    compute etc. It should generally be instantiated using the
    `funsies.options()` function.


    timeout: int = INFINITE
    """Max execution time for this operation, in seconds or -1 for an operation
    that never timeouts. Defaults to -1."""

    queue: str = "default"
    """Defines which queue this operation should be executed by. For example,
    if a complex workflow requires GPUs for certain jobs, those jobs would be
    setup with option `queue="gpu"` and workers on the nodes with available
    GPUs would be instantiated with `funsies worker gpu`. Then, only worker
    processes in the GPU queue would execute the GPU jobs."""

    distributed: bool = True
    """If False, jobs are executed by the local enqueuing process. Used to
    test workflows without having to start workers."""

    reset: bool = False
    """If `True`, this operation is `funsies.reset()` when generated."""

    evaluate: bool = True
    """If False, calling `funsies.execute()` on this job or its dependencies will fail.
    Can be used to ensure a specific branch is never executed."""

    ttl: int = ONE_DAY
    """Time to live (ttl) in queue for the operation. Defaults to 24h. Equivalent
    to the [rq keyword with the same name]( """

    result_ttl: int = ONE_MINUTE
    """Time to live (ttl) in queue for the rq result objects. Defaults to one
    minute. Equivalent to the [rq keyword with the same
    name]( (Note that this has nothing to do with
    the actual data results.) """

    failure_ttl: int = ONE_DAY
    """Time to live (ttl) in queue for the rq result objects of failing jobs.
    Defaults to one day. Equivalent to the [rq keyword with the same
    name]( (Note that this has nothing to do with
    the actual data results.) """

    # TODO: make meaningfully adjustable
    serializer: str = "rq.serializers.JSONSerializer"

    def job_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.enqueue's job_args."""
        return dict(

    def task_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary of arguments for dag.task()."""
        return dict(

    def queue_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.Queue."""
        return dict(is_async=self.distributed, serializer=self.serializer)

    def pack(self: "Options") -> str:
        """Pack an Options instance to a bytestring."""
        return json.dumps(asdict(self))

    def unpack(cls: Type["Options"], data: str) -> "Options":
        """Unpack an Options instance from a byte string."""
        return Options(**json.loads(data))


class Options (timeout: int = -1, queue: str = 'default', distributed: bool = True, reset: bool = False, evaluate: bool = True, ttl: int = 86400, result_ttl: int = 60, failure_ttl: int = 86400, serializer: str = 'rq.serializers.JSONSerializer')

Runtime options for an Operation.

This is a class that basically contains all the random options that may need to be set when building a workflow, such as timeouts, heterogeneous compute etc. It should generally be instantiated using the options() function.

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class Options:
    """Runtime options for an Operation.

    This is a class that basically contains all the random options that may
    need to be set when building a workflow, such as timeouts, heterogeneous
    compute etc. It should generally be instantiated using the
    `funsies.options()` function.


    timeout: int = INFINITE
    """Max execution time for this operation, in seconds or -1 for an operation
    that never timeouts. Defaults to -1."""

    queue: str = "default"
    """Defines which queue this operation should be executed by. For example,
    if a complex workflow requires GPUs for certain jobs, those jobs would be
    setup with option `queue="gpu"` and workers on the nodes with available
    GPUs would be instantiated with `funsies worker gpu`. Then, only worker
    processes in the GPU queue would execute the GPU jobs."""

    distributed: bool = True
    """If False, jobs are executed by the local enqueuing process. Used to
    test workflows without having to start workers."""

    reset: bool = False
    """If `True`, this operation is `funsies.reset()` when generated."""

    evaluate: bool = True
    """If False, calling `funsies.execute()` on this job or its dependencies will fail.
    Can be used to ensure a specific branch is never executed."""

    ttl: int = ONE_DAY
    """Time to live (ttl) in queue for the operation. Defaults to 24h. Equivalent
    to the [rq keyword with the same name]( """

    result_ttl: int = ONE_MINUTE
    """Time to live (ttl) in queue for the rq result objects. Defaults to one
    minute. Equivalent to the [rq keyword with the same
    name]( (Note that this has nothing to do with
    the actual data results.) """

    failure_ttl: int = ONE_DAY
    """Time to live (ttl) in queue for the rq result objects of failing jobs.
    Defaults to one day. Equivalent to the [rq keyword with the same
    name]( (Note that this has nothing to do with
    the actual data results.) """

    # TODO: make meaningfully adjustable
    serializer: str = "rq.serializers.JSONSerializer"

    def job_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.enqueue's job_args."""
        return dict(

    def task_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary of arguments for dag.task()."""
        return dict(

    def queue_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.Queue."""
        return dict(is_async=self.distributed, serializer=self.serializer)

    def pack(self: "Options") -> str:
        """Pack an Options instance to a bytestring."""
        return json.dumps(asdict(self))

    def unpack(cls: Type["Options"], data: str) -> "Options":
        """Unpack an Options instance from a byte string."""
        return Options(**json.loads(data))

Class variables

var timeout : int

Max execution time for this operation, in seconds or -1 for an operation that never timeouts. Defaults to -1.

var queue : str

Defines which queue this operation should be executed by. For example, if a complex workflow requires GPUs for certain jobs, those jobs would be setup with option queue="gpu" and workers on the nodes with available GPUs would be instantiated with funsies worker gpu. Then, only worker processes in the GPU queue would execute the GPU jobs.

var distributed : bool

If False, jobs are executed by the local enqueuing process. Used to test workflows without having to start workers.

var reset : bool

If True, this operation is reset() when generated.

var evaluate : bool

If False, calling execute() on this job or its dependencies will fail. Can be used to ensure a specific branch is never executed.

var ttl : int

Time to live (ttl) in queue for the operation. Defaults to 24h. Equivalent to the rq keyword with the same name.

var result_ttl : int

Time to live (ttl) in queue for the rq result objects. Defaults to one minute. Equivalent to the rq keyword with the same name. (Note that this has nothing to do with the actual data results.)

var failure_ttl : int

Time to live (ttl) in queue for the rq result objects of failing jobs. Defaults to one day. Equivalent to the rq keyword with the same name. (Note that this has nothing to do with the actual data results.)

var serializer : str

Static methods

def unpack(data: str) ‑> Options

Unpack an Options instance from a byte string.

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def unpack(cls: Type["Options"], data: str) -> "Options":
    """Unpack an Options instance from a byte string."""
    return Options(**json.loads(data))

Instance variables

var job_args : Mapping[str, Any]

Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.enqueue's job_args.

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def job_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
    """Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.enqueue's job_args."""
    return dict(
var task_args : Mapping[str, Any]

Return a dictionary of arguments for dag.task().

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def task_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
    """Return a dictionary of arguments for dag.task()."""
    return dict(
var queue_args : Mapping[str, Any]

Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.Queue.

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def queue_args(self: "Options") -> Mapping[str, Any]:
    """Return a dictionary of arguments for rq.Queue."""
    return dict(is_async=self.distributed, serializer=self.serializer)


def pack(self: Options) ‑> str

Pack an Options instance to a bytestring.

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def pack(self: "Options") -> str:
    """Pack an Options instance to a bytestring."""
    return json.dumps(asdict(self))