Custom Emulators ================ You can create your own emulator, based on a custom dataset within **Olympus**. A simple example where we create an ``Emulator`` for Boston housing dataset can be found in the examples. Here we provide a high-level guide of the steps necessary. First, you need to create a custom ``Dataset``. This can easily be done if you have your data in a ``DataFrame``. This needs to contain all parameters and measurements/targets, such that you can specify the column name for the target of interest :: from olympus.datasets import Dataset import pandas as pd df = pd.from_csv('mydata.csv') dataset = Dataset(data=df, target_ids=['target']) Second, you need to specify the parameter space of the problem. An easy of doing this is to ask **Olympus** to infer this from the data :: dataset.infer_param_space() However, to have more control over this you can instantiate and populate a ``ParameterSpace`` object to then pass to ``dataset``:: from olympus import ParameterSpace, Parameter # initialise a parameter space object param_space = ParameterSpace() # define the parameters and append them to param_space param1 = Parameter(kind='continuous', name='param1', low=10, high=100) param2 = Parameter(kind='continuous', name='param2', low=5, high=15) param_space.add(param1) param_space.add(param2) # provide this param_space to dataset dataset.set_param_space(param_space) Now the details of your data are all set. So as third step, you need to instantiate the ``Model`` that will be trained on this data:: from olympus.models import BayesNeuralNet model = BayesNeuralNet(hidden_depth=2, hidden_nodes=12, hidden_act='leaky_relu', out_act="relu", batch_size=50, reg=0.005, max_epochs=10000) Finally, you combine dataset and model into an ``Emulator``:: from olympus import Emulator emulator = Emulator(dataset=dataset, model=model, feature_transform='normalize', target_transform='normalize') The choice of ``feature_transform``, ``target_transform``, as well as the model hyperparameters depend on the details of your dataset. Once all this is setup, you can use cross-validation to test your ``emulator`` and tweak the model's architecture:: emulator.cross_validate() Once you are happy with the performance of the emulator, you can train it:: emulator.train() After this, you have a custom emulator ready to be used to benchmark various optimization algorithms for your specific problem:: You can also save this specific emulator to be reused:: # save'custom_emulator') # load emulator = load_emulator('custom_emulator')