Source code for olympus.noises.noise_gamma_noise.wrapper_gamma_noise

#!/usr/bin/env python

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gamma
from olympus.noises import AbstractNoise

[docs]class GammaNoise(AbstractNoise): def __init__(self, scale=1, lower_bound=0): """Gamma-distributed noise parametrised by its standard deviation (``scale``) and its mode. Args: scale (float): Standard deviation of the Gaussian. Default is 1. lower_bound (float): Lower bound of the Gamma distribution. The distribution will not have support below this lower bound. Default is 0. """ AbstractNoise.__init__(**locals()) def _add_noise(self, value): # value = mode value = value - self.lower_bound var = self.scale ** 2. s = np.sqrt(var + (value ** 2.) / 4.) - value / 2. k = value / s + 1. noisy_value = gamma.rvs(a=k, loc=self.lower_bound, scale=s) return noisy_value