Source code for olympus.planners.planner

#!/usr/bin/env python

from olympus import Logger

from . import get_planners_list
from . import import_planner
from . import AbstractPlanner

# NOTE: This goes against the python convention of having function names being
# lowercase, but I thought Planner still works in this case as it effectively
# returns a class instance
# A function seems to me the easiest way to do this right now, but another
# option would be to have a class and fiddle with __new__ an return an instance
# of a different class. I would stick with the simplest option that achieve
# what we need though, unless we already foresee possible expansions that need a
# more complex object
[docs]def Planner(kind="ConjugateGradient", goal="minimize", param_space=None): """Convenience function to access planners via a slightly higher level interface It returns a certain planner with defaults arguments by keyword. Args: kind (str or AbstractPlanner): Keyword identifying one of the algorithms available in Olympus. Alternatively, you can pass a custom algorithm that is a subclass of AbstractPlanner. goal (bool): The optimization goal, either 'minimize' or 'maximize'. Default is 'minimize'. param_space (ParamSpace): A ParameterSpace object defining the space over which to search. Returns: Planner: An instance of the chosen planning algorithm. """ _validate_planner_kind(kind) # if a string is passed, then load the corresponding wrapper if type(kind) == str: from . import PlannerLoader kind = PlannerLoader.file_to_class(kind) planner = import_planner(kind) planner = planner(goal=goal) # if an instance of a planner is passed, simply return the same instance elif isinstance(kind, AbstractPlanner): planner = kind # if a custom class is passed, then that is the 'wrapper' elif issubclass(kind, AbstractPlanner): planner = kind() # load param_space already if provided, otherwise it will have to be set by self.set_param_space if param_space is not None: planner.set_param_space(param_space) return planner
def _validate_planner_kind(kind): # if we received a string if type(kind) == str: from . import PlannerLoader kind = PlannerLoader.file_to_class(kind) avail_planners = get_planners_list() if kind not in avail_planners: message = ( 'Planner "{0}" not available in Olympus. Please choose ' "from one of the available planners: {1}".format( kind, ", ".join(avail_planners) ) ) Logger.log(message, "FATAL") # if we get an instance of a planner class elif isinstance(kind, AbstractPlanner): # make sure it has the necessary methods for method in ["_set_param_space", "_tell", "_ask"]: implementation = getattr(kind, method, None) if not callable(implementation): message = f'The object {kind} does not implement the necessary method "{method}"' Logger.log(message, "FATAL") # if we received a custom planner class elif issubclass(kind, AbstractPlanner): # make sure it has the necessary methods for method in ["_set_param_space", "_tell", "_ask"]: implementation = getattr(kind, method, None) if not callable(implementation): message = f'The object {kind} does not implement the necessary method "{method}"' Logger.log(message, "FATAL") # if we do not know what was passed raise an error else: message = 'Could not initialize Planner: the argument "kind" is neither a string or AbstractPlanner subclass' Logger.log(message, "FATAL")