Source code for olympus.planners.planner_gpyopt.wrapper_gpyopt

#!/usr/bin/env python

from olympus.planners import AbstractPlanner
from olympus.objects import ParameterVector

[docs]class Gpyopt(AbstractPlanner): def __init__(self, goal='minimize', batch_size=1, exact_eval=True, model_type='GP_MCMC', acquisition_type='EI_MCMC'): """ Gaussian Process optimization as implemented in GPyOpt. Args: goal (str): The optimization goal, either 'minimize' or 'maximize'. Default is 'minimize'. batch_size (int): size of the batch in which the objective is evaluated. exact_eval (bool): whether the outputs are exact. model_type (str): type of model to use as surrogate. 'GP': standard Gaussian process. 'GP_MCMC': Gaussian process with prior in the hyper-parameters. 'sparseGP': sparse Gaussian process. 'warperdGP': warped Gaussian process. 'InputWarpedGP': input warped Gaussian process. 'RF': random forest (scikit-learn). acquisition_type (str): type of acquisition function to use. 'EI': expected improvement. 'EI_MCMC': integrated expected improvement (requires GP_MCMC model). 'MPI': maximum probability of improvement. 'MPI_MCMC': maximum probability of improvement (requires GP_MCMC model). 'LCB': GP-Lower confidence bound. 'LCB_MCMC': integrated GP-Lower confidence bound (requires GP_MCMC model). """ AbstractPlanner.__init__(**locals()) def _set_param_space(self, param_space): self._param_space = [] for param in param_space: if param.type == 'continuous': param_dict = {'name':, 'type': param.type, 'domain': (param.low, param.high)} self._param_space.append(param_dict) def _tell(self, observations): self._params = observations.get_params(as_array = 'True') self._values = observations.get_values(as_array=True, opposite=self.flip_measurements) def _get_bo_instance(self): from GPyOpt.methods import BayesianOptimization bo = BayesianOptimization( f = lambda x: 0, ### TODO: NEED TO CHECK IF THIS CAUSES ISSUES domain = self._param_space, batch_size = self.batch_size, exact_eval = self.exact_eval, model_type = self.model_type, acquisition_type = self.acquisition_type, X = self._params, Y = self._values, ) return bo def _ask(self): if self._params is None or len(self._params) < 2: self._params = None self._values = None bo = self._get_bo_instance() generated = bo.get_evaluations()[0] array = generated[self.num_generated % len(generated)] else: bo = self._get_bo_instance() array = bo.suggest_next_locations()[0] return ParameterVector().from_array(array, self.param_space)